Intergenerational Judo Project

1st Year’s Highlights

JOY aims to increase awareness of the importance of intergenerational judo for the physical, social, and psychological well-being of older and younger individuals, thereby contributing to their successful aging and holistic development, respectively.

In-depth research on Intergenerational Judo

Raise awareness of Intergenerational judo

Develop an e-learning platform and educational program

The project is coordinated by the Judo Club Rijeka from Croatia along with eight other organization comprising academic and sports experts from Austria, Italy, Malta, Slovenia, Spain, Romania and Türkiye as partners.


Unlock insights with scientific reports and presentations. Explore the findings to uncover the benefits   of intergenerational judo.

Scientific reports DELIVERABLES
Presentations DELIVERABLES


Facilitating productive project meetings and dynamic promotional events to drive our mission forward.

Transnational Meetings

Promotional Events

Want to learn more about coaching older judo practitioners?

A well-being project #EDJCO is a predecessor of the JOY project, aimed at empowering judo coaches with the proper knowledge, skills, and attitudes specifically related to this particular population of older individuals.

Get in touch